Make 2024 Your Year of Purpose

and build a lifetime of fulfillment with Discover Your Purpose:

A Journal and Workbook to Find Direction and Meaning in Life

Are you seeking clarity and direction in life? Our comprehensive journal and workbook combination is meticulously designed to guide you on an illuminating journey towards uncovering your true purpose. Whether you're at a crossroads, seeking fulfillment, or simply curious about your life's mission, our powerful tools will support and inspire you every step of the way.

Why Choose Our Journal & Workbook?

With this journal, you will:

❋ Uncover your hidden strengths

❋ Develop a detailed list of criteria so that you clearly visualize your future opportunity and better articulate it to others

❋ Become aware of untruths in your belief system that have held you back from your dreams

❋ Learn what cultural qualities an employer (or your own company) must possess to nurture your potential and desired lifestyle

❋ Discover careers and vocations that will boost your level of fulfillment and satisfaction

❋ Better understand how you can make a bigger impact in the world

Unlocking your purpose isn't just about asking questions; it's about crafting the right ones. Our expertly curated journal prompts and actionable exercises are crafted by professionals in the field of personal development. Here's why our product stands out:

Neuroscience-backed features: Intentional design to boost your dopamine and develop helpful habits that optimize your results.

Tailored Guidance: Seamlessly structured exercises to prompt deep introspection, self-discovery, and unparalleled development.

Holistic Approach: Comprehensive tools addressing various aspects of life to help you gain a holistic perspective on your purpose.

Proven Results: Backed by success stories of individuals who've found clarity, direction, and meaning using Epic Careering's proprietary approach to career discovery.

Community: Nurtured fellow adventurers embarking on their own purpose journey to provide emotional support, accountability, and potential launching partners who can help you co-create the purpose-filled life you design.

Beauty: Our pleasant, meaningful imagery and colors were intentionally designed to make you want to pick it up and use it every day.

Take a sneak peek!

Karen Huller,

Founder of Epic Careering

Hey, Conscious Careerist! I'm Karen Huller, and I help corporate professionals to align their talent with their values. This journal is the most compelling method to help you go from adrift to positively knowing your destination.

"I can't ever thank you enough for the epiphany we struck! I love my job. Perfect fit with life goals. I am extremely lucky...


- Kirsten

"To this day, I appreciate all that you did to help get me on the right foot/path.

All my best to you and your family."

- Matt

“Perhaps the most important result of our work together for me was recognizing the value of the skills and experience that I have to offer to prospective employers.”

- Edward

After the year I've had in 2023, I have never been more grateful to have a purpose.

When I wanted to hide away and give up, my purpose pulled me forward. Even though my present was insufferable, my future gave me hope.

I can't wait for you to inspire yourself with a vision of the future where YOU make the difference.

Not everyone needs a purpose, but once you have one, you wonder how people can drift through life without one.

Rest assured, there are adventures ahead for you.


Copyright 2024 - Epic Careering - Unveil Your Brilliance